INF11 – Geospatial strand

This blog post is written on behalf of JISC.

David stressing that projects in this area should have user facing/user interface expertise involved.

Details of this strand are at, and a briefing paper is available at

Looking for 8-12projects, with total funding available £700k – David noting the very tight deadlines on these projects – 6 months – so projects with teams already in place will probably have an advantage.

Proposals required to:

  • Contribute to wider geo community
  • Define end user requirements
  • Describe interoperability as part of other geospatial tools, services and infrastructure
  • have experts in end user, geospatial data, and development
  • Applicability to current and future policies – David mentions the Inspire Directive specifically
  • Reuse existing tools/components where applicable
  • Particiapte in programme activity (13 days)
  • Support from Senior instituiton staff that active participation in community is viable – and that it fits with institutional strategy/objectives

Q: Look at LandMap – something that might be reused by projects

A: Absolutely – LandMap mentioned in briefing document – reuse important

Again David is on Skype as david.flanders

INF11 – Identifiers Programme Area

This blog post is written on behalf of JISC.

The tag for this strand is #jiscpid (JISC Persistent Identifiers). A full description of this strand is available at, and a briefing papers is available at

Who will want to bid in this strand?

  • Web managers – the Institutional Web Managers community supported by UKOLN specifically mentioned

David Flanders (who is giving this part of the briefing) is emphasising that he is very very happy for potential bidders to get in contact with him – either email or Skype (he is david.flanders on Skype) is a great way of getting in touch with him

David recommends subscribing to the Information Environment team blog

David paraphrasing from call – but highlighting the need for projects to:

Engage stakeholders in the institutions

Build consensus for structure as a data model

Communicate structure to a large audience

David suggests posting questions to the JISC Press site for the call

Q: Call implies it should be about identifiers at instituitonal level – but could it focus on a more specific set of resources?

A: As long as it is public facing and about persistent identifiers – doesn’t have to be entire website. E.g. could just be course websites

Q: There is an EC project on research identifiers – should there be a connection between bids and this recent project?

A: Looking to make projects part of larger communities – so could definitely include this, but not limited to this

INF11 – Infrastructure for education and research briefing day

Today I’m doing something different here and blogging on behalf of JISC at a briefing day on the “Infrastructure for education and research briefing day” funding call. The briefing is happening at Goodenough College in London, and kicks off with a “Welcome and overview of e-infrastructure innovation” by Neil Jacobs.

Neil starts with the Vision, and what Infrastructure means:

  • Services, policies, tools, and frameworks

The vision talks about the persistence of information, and the extent to which it can be understood, trusted and reused – so semantics and provenance are key concepts.

Neil notes that programmes are supported by the Innovation Support Centres – that is UKOLN, CETIS and OSSWatch – and these also are key in ensuring coherence across projects and programmes.

Various places to look for information about the programme: