- Feeling: Refreshed
- Listening to: “The a capella collection” (album E got me as a present)
- Watching: Dora and the lost city of gold (surprisingly funny & enjoyable Dora the Explorer movie!)
We all slept in this morning – even D! We didn’t get up that late (around 9) but just late enough it felt like a lie in without it feeling like we’d wasted our morning.
Although it wasn’t a very nice day weather-wise (and we spent most of it indoors, even the kids), in celebration of Garden day UK, D spent some time in the morning making herself a “flower crown” with flowers from the garden plus a few that she picked on our walk yesterday.
I spent some time working with B on his card playing computer program (it plays Blackjack (not 21/pontoon, but a card game similar to Uno), but my main aim for the day was to complete the little electronics project I keep meaning to do. I got a wooden automaton kit of a guitarist for my birthday and I thought it would be a nice idea to have it play music when it moved – so I fitted a light dependent resistor into the neck of the guitar which is covered/uncovered as the automaton moves. I hooked this up to a Raspberry Pi computer and a speaker and wrote a program to measure the light level and play/pause a recording of the guitar riff from Smoke on the Water depending on the amount of light falling on the resistor.
Spoke to Mum this evening and then D finished off a day of making by doing some more lovely lino prints

The weekend has had some ups and downs, and especially yesterday evening I really struggled managing F being difficult/upset at bedtime (and sadly I have to admit that I sometimes end up becoming childish in response to their behaviour) – but this evening I feel refreshed from having three days away from work and spending time sleeping, reading, baking and making.
Stay safe, stay strong x