- Feeling: OK
- Listening to: Kylie
- Watching: Life drawing live (well, D is, I’m writing this instead)
Overslept today and didn’t wake until almost 9am – and B did the same. D had been up and about for a couple of hours at least by the time I got downstairs, taken a shopping deliver and done some exercise.
I feel like we were all working hard today. F watched some BBC Bytesize programmes, I had a few calls, D was working and B got on with his school work. B and F also worked on various side projects they’ve got going on. The both updated pages on the websites (http://freyapatelstephens.com/poems and http://www.brynpatelstephens.com/brynsbooks/bookreview.html respectively), and B also followed a tutorial for some computer graphic software called Blender to create a 3D illustration of a doughnut – which looks delicious!

Over lunch and across the afternoon I started on my attempt to make some brioche – the dough was sticky to start with and once the (huge quantity) of butter was incorporated it became very difficult to handle – more like an over soft pastry than the sort of dough I’m used to dealing with – I can see why lots of the video tutorials for brioche I’ve seen use a mixer with a dough hook to incorporate the butter! I’m not sure how its going to turn out, but it seems to be proving well, and I’ve just put it in the fridge to stop it over-proving before the morning

Fingers crossed that I can bake it successfully tomorrow!
Stay safe, stay strong.