8th April 2020

  • Feeling: Glad to (virtually) see friends
  • Listening to: Nothing today
  • Watching: Nothing today

I slept better last night, and slept a bit later this morning. D was already up so I came down and joined her and we had a bit of quiet time before the kids came down. I mainly bombarded her with a load of work issues that had been running round my head since yesterday and I needed to get out to work through them and reduce my stress – it really helped me (D is pretty used to me doing this and puts up with it very patiently).

Also managed to bake some sourdough that I’d started the day before and had been in the fridge overnight.

I had no meetings scheduled this morning so after yesterday I decided I should take the morning off and spend some time with the kids. I did do a bit of work before the kids got up, but then stepped away until I had to be on a call at 1pm.

I tried (and failed) to help B get his 3D printer working as it stopped working a while back and we never got to the bottom of why. We didn’t make any progress today, so emailed the company that makes it to see if they could help (but not response yet).

We spent a bit of time in the garden, trying to clear a bit of garden that is a bit of a weed & gravel wasteland right now. I didn’t make a huge amount of progress but it was good to make a start.

Later in the day the kids and I started to try to use some of the branches I’ve removed from an out-of-control hedge to make a bivouac style den – we managed to get the basic frame up, but it was quite hot out in the sun and the kids decided they needed a sit down inside before we got any further.

It was good to spend some time with the kids and B and I worked on his book review website although we didn’t manage to finish what he wanted to do.

The day ended with a really nice virtual choir session – I was more relaxed and less stressed out (probably because I’d had the morning off) than I’ve been the last couple of weeks and enjoyed it a lot more because of that. For the virtual choir we’ve hit a pattern of having a main session lead by the musical director which streams on Youtube where we warm-up, sing (to ourselves but with a track played over the live stream) and look at performances and specific pieces in detail. This session (around 1hr) is sandwiched between two social Zoom sessions where people can see each other and chat (about 30 minutes before, and for however long people want after the Youtube session). This seems to work really well – at least it works well for me – I hope others get enjoyment out of it as well.

Going to try to make more time for the kids during the day tomorrow again and then it’s into the long Easter weekend.

Stay safe, stay strong.

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