- Feeling: OK
- Listening to: nothing today
- Watching: Bake off: The professionals
Struggled to wake up today – I’m blaming the heat (and it already seemed to be too hot by the time I got out of bed). F also struggled with today (again I think the heat means she isn’t sleeping well) and shed didn’t want to do her school work, or anything at all really. Eventually we managed to persuade her to do her “news report” homework as a TV news report and filmed it with the hope we can edit it together with some newsroom and location backgrounds. Meanwhile B and D just got on with their work without any fuss!
In the afternoon D took the kids for a walk in their new musical themed t-shirts (Hamilton for F, Wicked for B) – presents from their Grandma. Sadly I had to stay at home for a Zoom call 🙁

I have to admit I’m hoping that the forecast cooler weather will arrive tomorrow and I can get a better night’s sleep!
Stay safe, stay strong.