- Feeling: happy
- Listening to: Nothing today
- Watching: Staged
Big day today for F as she went into school for the first time since 16th March. The children and staff are divided into “bubbles” which have up to 15 children in them (so half the usual class size for F) and are with one member of staff the whole time (F is with her usual class teacher who she loves which is really nice).
I dropped F at school – they have separate entrances per ‘bubble’, and was able to chat (at a reasonable distance) with a few of the staff – it was lovely to see them as the staff across the whole school are really nice and friendly, and most know B as well as F and were asking after him as well.
After dropping her off it was then through the one-way system (which goes round the outside of the school buildings) to get back to the entrance/exit to the school. It was pretty well organised and not too busy (they’ve staggered start times for some children I think) and they close on Friday for a deep clean.
Whatever the rights or wrongs of the children being back at school, she was obviously delighted and came home full of excitement and chatter.

Meanwhile B was still at home – but that was fine. I think it was nice for him to have more of our attention (although I think D spent quite a bit of the day worrying about F). B made borage tea and waffles for us as part of his “FT” (food technology) work. The borage has been growing in the garden (D planted it as its meant to be good for bees) and it has pretty blue flowers you can use to make a (mildly laxitive B informs me!) tea. I guess overall the waffles were the better of the two cooking experiments today 🙂
Once F was back home after school (3pm) B was less settled – I suspect because it was then that F had all the news and excitement whereas B had just spent another day at home with us. F said she had done “tests” and it was “great”.
In the evening D and the kids had a quiz with cousins, aunts & uncles while I had choir – which was fun. Chatting to others in the choir someone (Seb?) recommended Staged which is on iPlayer and features Michael Sheen and David Tennant as themselves trying to rehearse a play during lockdown (via Zoom) – we watched the first episode tonight and really enjoyed it – definitely recommend (episodes are about 15 minutes each).
Overall a pretty good day, and was really lovely to see F so happy.
Stay safe, stay strong.